Stone has long creased to be a material solely used for the main frameworks of buildings. Yet, it remains widely used and sought after for its specific qualities and expressive aspect. By the same token, now more than ever in light of the requirements held out by sustainable development, the use of local stone is increasingly topical. In taking a closer look at a host of successful architectural design in which stone has been used to outstanding effect, this book also endeavours to highlight the various ways in which stone can be aptly used, and which make it into a key material for contemporary architecture. The aim of this book that has been published in three different languages is to promote awareness among readers of the resources available about stone as widely as possible by providing a better understanding of the palette of effects it is able to create
Stone – 30 Projects
50.30 € uklj. PDV
Dostupno uz narudžbu, rok isporuke od 2-3 tjedna
SKU: 9782930451077
Kategorije: Arhitektura, Ostalo
broj stranica | 236 |
god. izdanja | 2016 |
ISBN | 9782930451077 |
izdavač | Prisme Editions |
jezik | engleski, francuski, nizozemski |
uvez | meki |
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