Arhitektonski vodič, zbirka stotinjak odabranih građevina neupitnog značaja koje tvore prepoznatljivu sliku glavnog grada Hrvatske. Englesko izdanje vodiča, u prijevodu Grahama McMastera, predstavlja prvi pregled stoljeća zagrebačke arhitekture, prezentiran najvažnijim građevinama od srednjeg vijeka do danas. Vodič donosi znamenitosti počevši od ranoromaničke katedrale s kraja 11. stoljeća pa sve do zgrade Biskupske konferencije iz 2011. godine te nudi sveobuhvatnu sliku arhitekture grada uz sve potrebne informacije. Njegov inovativni pristup spaja faktografiju, znanstveni pristup i informativni predložak što ga čini nezaobilaznim priručnikom za studente arhitekture i povijesti umjetnosti, arhitekte i konzervatore, znanstvenike koji se bave poviješću arhitekture i urbanizma kao i široku čitalačku publiku i posjetitelje grada kao vodič u istraživanju arhitekture grada.
In collaborative edition of publishing house UPI2M BOOKS and Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in year 2024 we published 2. edition Zagreb Architecture Guide, a collection of one hundred selected buildings of unquestionable significance that form a recognizable image of the Croatian capital city. The English edition of the guide, translated by Graham McMaster, represents the first overview of centuries of Zagreb’s architecture, presented by the most important buildings from the Middle Ages to the present day, now available for international readers. The anthology is edited by Zlatko Karac and Alen Zunic, guided by the idea of equal representation of architecture of all periods, starting from the early Romanesque cathedral of the late 11th century all the way to the Episcopal Conference building from 2011. With the concept of broad historical overview this guide offers a comprehensive image of the architecture of the city in addition to all the necessary information. Its innovative approach combines factography, scientific approach and information template which makes it an indispensable manual for students of architecture and art history, architects and conservators, scientists devoted to the history of architecture and urban planning as well as the general reading public and city visitors as a guidance in exploring the architecture of the city.
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